Open Data Science 2024
Rasmus Erik @
- Introduction, and my background
- Tour of different topics related to open data science
- Deep-dive into a topic of your choice
- Conclusion and reflection
Interactive session
Ask questions!
If you are curious about something, others may have the same
question, – do them a favour and ask.
Content depends on your interests.
My Background
Rasmus Erik @
- Entrepreneur using OPEN DATA, Solsort ApS
- DATA SCIENTIST (part-time) in AI-team at DBC,
- Studying religion(cross-cultural) at KU, and active in LightHouse, Green
Students, DH-Cult and UKUA
- MSc. in Computer Science, – including courses from information
studies (taught by Haakon) and work in IT-Lab(predecessor to DigiLabs)
The Topics
- Literature recommendations
- Image categorization
- Image recommendations
- Data accessibility
- Digitalisation and public libraries
- AI and learning
- LLMS á la ChatGPT
Making data accessible
BibData, Hack4DK and
UKUA. Linked Open Data.
Digitalisation in the Public Libraries
Display solution, cover images,
and app-tech.
Open data.
Navigating organizational structures.
Digital in the physical
Language models á la ChatGPT
ChatBib and SkoleGPT. (DBC)
How LLMs work. Transformer
Deep dive
Which of the previous topics
are you most curious about?
The Topics
- Literature recommendations
- Image categorization
- Image recommendations
- Data accessibility
- Digitalisation and public libraries
- AI and learning
- LLMS á la ChatGPT
Conclusion and reflection
- Reflect on what was the most important conclusions, information or
insights for you in this lecture
- Discuss with your neighbour
- Follow-up in plenum
Slides on
Feel free to get in touch
Rasmus Erik @
Lighthouse SC breakfast
mondays at 9am, 6B.1.06